The Humanitarian understands that policies and protocols guiding how data is transmitted and temporarily stored via this form and on this platform (Snapforms) is based on ISO27001, the Australian Government Information Security Manual, ACSC cyber security principles and guidelines including the Essential Eight Model, the Australian Privacy Principles and Privacy Act.

Authorizer's details

Staff member or Delegate or Volunteer details

By providing this information, you are acknowledging that you have authorisation to convey personal details on behalf of a staff member, delegate or volunteer.


Background information

Information Disclosure: Please note that information disclosed on this form will be discussed openly with the staff member/ delegate / volunteer at the outset of the session.

Please ensure you are authorised to disclose personal or sensitive information.


Form copy

Invoicing details

The current recommended cost of service by the Australian Psychological Society is $300 per hour.

Your organization will be billed at the agreed rate of $210 per hour.

Invoice to be directed to

Authorizer's signature & date

Draw signature|Type signatureClear