Intake Screen

Thank you for your enquiry regarding a psychological consultation.

It is in your interest that you receive a psychological service that best matches your requirements.

With this in mind, please provide further information so that careful consideration can be given to your goals and the capacity of the service to meet those objectives.

Please note that a GP referral or enquiry does not automatically guarantee an appointment.

Shorter or longer appointments are available with the base cost of a 50-60 minute appointment being $210 with increments of $45 for each subsequent 15 minutes spent in consultation. Fees are payable on the day of service by debit or credit card or within 3-days of service by electronic funds transfer.

No bulk billing service is available.

Telehealth or in-person sessions may be eligible for a Medicare rebate ($93.35 for a minimum 50 minute session) if referred by a GP or for a private health rebate if your Private Health (Extras) Insurer covers psychological treatment.

Currently, both telehealth and in-person sessions are being offered, however, COVID health announcements and the postcode and health status of individual clients continue to influence modality of appointments offered.

Telephone consultations are available, however, do not attract a Medicare rebate unless meeting with current COVID19 criteria and referred by a GP.

Thank you for your time to complete this confidential intake screen.

it is important that your requirements are understood and assessed as potentially able to be met from the outset by this service.

You will be contacted by email shortly unless you have indicated you would like a follow up phone call.

Information you supply on this form is treated confidentially and is protected in transit by TLS 1.2 to provide end-to-end communication security and in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles.


If you are needing more immediate assistance, there are a number of services that offer 24-hour support.

LIFELINE                 13 11 14

BEYOND BLUE      1800 512 348

MEN'S LINE             1300 78 99 78

Switchboard Victoria (LGBQTI)     1800 184 527