By accepting the Terms and Conditions outlined, you agree to participate in
The Humanitarian’s Operational Debriefing Training at your own discretion and risk. The content of this Operational Debriefing Training Course is for educational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. This course is provided as is, and
The Humanitarian disclaims all other warranties and conditions to the extent permitted by law, including any implied warranties, duties and conditions of merchantability in relation to fitness for purpose, accuracy or completeness of content, or lack of viruses in any downloadable course content. The content of this training has been designed and developed by
The Humanitarian and is owned and copyrighted material of
The Humanitarian. Any materials provided during the course of the training, including any documents, text, images, programming code, and audio or other media files, are copyright works owned by
The Humanitarian or used under license by
The Humanitarian. Participants of the course are free to use and adapt the material for personal notes or other personal education processes but not to copy any content or materials or replicate the ideas or content contained in any content or materials for any commercial purpose. Any content requested to be translated into a language other than English using EdApp's AI Technology is engaged with at the participant's own discretion and with the knowledge that AI translation is likely to be 60-70% accurate only.
The Humanitarian is not responsible nor liable for any claim or expenses whatsoever related to the misuse or inability to apply the learning material in its intended manner. To the maximum extent permitted by law,
The Humanitarian shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising our of or in relation to participation in this training, including in the event of fault, negligence, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty. This training course is not affiliated with any University, College or third party learning institution. Component and Course certificates will be issued at the discretion of
The Humanitarian in accordance with its policy.
Registrants of the course have 3 months from the date of registration in which to complete the training before registration credits expire. If a participant of the course does not complete all modules within a 3-month period, no refund will be offered, and no extensions given. User course credit can be transferred to another user provided a request for transfer is received in writing and prior to the first e-learning module being completed within the 3-month window. No course refunds will be provided unless in exceptional or extenuating circumstances. Requests for refunds or transfers must be made in writing to
and prior to the completion of the 1st e-learning module.
The Humanitarian uses a number of third-party businesses and websites to provide this service. Participants need to satisfy themselves with the terms and conditions and privacy policies of third -party platforms. By accepting the Terms and Conditions outlined on this page, you are in effect accepting the Terms and Conditions and Policies of the third party platform providers.
EdApp is a mobile e-learning platform. By registering as a new user with EdApp you are agreeing to EdApp’s
terms and conditions and
privacy policy.
Snapforms is a platform used for registration, survey and assignment upload purposes. For further information, go to Snapform’s
terms and conditions and
privacy policy.
Stripe is a platform option for participants to purchase training credits using their credit card at point of Ordering. By providing a credit card number, you are agreeing to
Stripe’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.
is an international e-commerce platform
The Humanitarian uses for Invoicing purposes. After completing the registration Order form, participants may choose to purchase /pay for training credits upon subsequent receipt of an Invoice using a credit card link.By using the credit card link, you are agreeing to
terms and conditions.
Acuity Scheduling
is an online booking platform and a Squarespace company. Acuity Scheduling is used as a platform for scheduling interactive microskills coaching and simulated coaching sessions. Acuity uses Square as its invoicing and payment provider. For more information regarding Acuity Scheduling’s terms of use and privacy policy:
https://www.squarespace.com/terms-of-service and
. Zoom is a teleconferencing software that will be used to facilitate the interactive group coaching training. By signing up to Zoom you are agreeing to Zoom’s
terms and conditions and
privacy policy